Thinking about my future is driving me CRA-ZY

Thinking about my future is driving me CRA-ZY

Part of reinventing, or maybe a lot of the reinventing process, means figuring out What’s next? In addition to Who am I now? we very much want to know where/when/how our new chapter will take place. Please pass the bowl of stability. We tire of geography, or dysfunctional sameness, or discontent for what has worked for a long while. Something inside is nudging us on, but we can barely find words to explain it to others. But life needs to move…

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Reinvention Experiment

Reinvention Experiment

A friend was explaining that S-curve diagram to me last week, the one, when it’s drawn, that looks like an S that fell forward and is lying on its stomach. Or you can think of it this way –  it can also look like the hill from that Hugh Grant movie, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain. If this was a food blog I would insert 6-8 photos here of me drawing this out…

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What I’m Listening To: Diana Nyad

What I’m Listening To: Diana Nyad

Talk about thoughts for a reinvention. I loved that Diana resurrected her longtime dream of swimming between Cuba and the U.S., after years of setting it aside. And her advice to keep moving – because life is flying by! “Find a way to make it work.”

Listen to Diana Nyad, Part 1: The Swim of Her Life from Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations in Podcasts.

What I’m Reading: Michelle Van Loon

What I’m Reading: Michelle Van Loon

Michelle just blessed me with a book she dearly loved writing. I just started reading it on the way to Sarasota, where Dave and I are thinking of relocating. Good thoughts for this “uprooting” journey. A book you can pick up and read any chapter that relates to longings for “the next thing” while still craving security – and let’s face it, some measure of control!

Pic of the Week: Dave planted these flowers

Pic of the Week: Dave planted these flowers

  Dave planted these flowers on December 21, almost five months ago, on the day of his mother’s funeral. What emotionally moves us is that she suffered so terribly with mental illness over the course of her adult life, and that went into full storm after Dave’s dad died eleven years ago. These flowers remind us, in a beautiful way, that she’s not suffering anymore and beauty can be left behind to encourage our hearts in what was a such…

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What I’m Listening To: Fernando, Peter, Keith

What I’m Listening To: Fernando, Peter, Keith

On Alexa it’s pretty much, “Alexa, play Fernando Ortega” at all times. Because he just calms me.

Also, lately the podcast I’ve been checking out again is Peter Enns’ podcast, “The Bible for Normal People.” Wow! You’ll hear a lot of new thoughts about the Bible and faith if you listen to that!

I’m also looking forward to checking out Keith Urban’s new album.